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Mission & Values

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Our Mission

The mission of Trinity Parish is to bear witness to God’s reconciling love, to proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ, and to seek and serve Christ in all persons.

Our Vision

A community of faith 

We strive to be a church where the resources that God has lavished upon us are leveraged to love people both within and outside of our doors. We seek to provide a safe space for people to deeply and honestly engage their faith—and their doubts—as we worship, engage the scriptures, and work together to put our faith in action as we grow in the knowledge and love of God and each other. 


A community of welcome

As an Episcopal church, we are a sacramental community that endeavors to extend Christ’s spirit of lavish welcome to all people. Regardless of race, gender and/or sexual identity, age, socio-economic location, ability, or anything else, all are welcome in this place as beloved children of God. 


A community of action 

We envision a church that is free to be creative and forward thinking in the ways we open our church doors to our surrounding community, that we might invite our neighbors to come and see the good news of God in Christ as it is expressed and shaped by the animating power of the Holy Spirit through its members. 

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